Charging only works with the cable in one way

With no detail of what you use it’s difficult to know how to reply.

  • Do you use a quality USB cable IF certified as Fairphone sell these should have no problem with orientation
  1. If the USB port in the phone is wired to accept either orientation then the cable doesn’t mater if it single

  2. If the cable is wired for either orientation then the USB port doesn’t matter

  3. So the theory would go that both the cable and the phone are not working well.

You cannot test the cable in another phone as if that phone’s USB C is wired fully then even if the cable is a bit duff no matter which way you use it it should be fine.

So the scenario you mention can only occur when both the USB cable and the USB port on the phone are duff.

However you will want to convince yourself it is not just debris in the port before you replace it, hence marking at leats one cable on both ends to ensure you always insert it the same way to confirm it doesn’t change. If it does it may well be debris / contaminate that has coated or corroded some contacts in the phone’s USB port.