Change back to LTE (4G) takes too long time

With my fairphone 5 I have the following Problem:
After losing 4G connection and switch back to 2G (EDGE) it will take really long time (about ten minutes or longer) to switch back to 4G. Other phones have full 4g connection with the same Provider on the same road. If you switch of and on the mobile data connection, 4g will instantly be available.
Anyone else with this problem and any solution for this?

Just a thought.
Have you set your SIM card from 5G/4G/3G/2G to 4G/3G/2G.
Perhaps your phone is looking for 5G first.

Could have to do with that.
My contract only supports 4G. So I switched the settings for the preferred network to 4G/3G/2G.
I think that would be the right setting?
Other idea: There is no more 3G in Germany. Perhaps the step back directly from 2G to 4G is a problem?

Well there are other people who have trouble with 5G,
So I don’t think the setting 4G/3G/2G will be a problem when there is no 3G.

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