Can't turn off camera flash since android update

Since the latest update I can no longer disable the flash. Can anyone else replicate this?

If I set the flash to disabled and point the camera at something dark, it will fire the flash.

I can not replicate the problem in my Fairphone 3 default’s camera (Android 13 too). Are you talking about the original camera app or about a different camera app? In which mode you have the problems… photo mode? I have just took 2 pictures in a complete dark environment without flash, and no problem. I have no problems in video mode either.

Maybe you can try restarting the app (forcing it to close), or clearing the app’s storage and cache (from the application’s settings).


Restarting the phone hasn’t helped. Using the stock phone app in both Pro and photo mode.

In the screenshot you can see I’m on Photo mode and the flash setting is set to off. However, if I take a photo, or press on the screen to focus, the flash fires.

Have you tried clearing app’s data and cache? You can do it like this (the app you are looking for is called, simply, “Camera”):

Hope it helps :crossed_fingers:


Clearing storage sorted it. I wonder if any of the settings were changing when I was flipping them!


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