Can't install Fairphone Open OS (since 1.3.6/16.05 versions ?)

Hi Folks,

Fairphone OS and Open OS have been updated few days ago.
I’m on the Fairphone OS and I want to install Fairphone Open OS through 16.04 downloaded file.

While launching the installation, I got the following error message :
Quote : Can’t install this package (Mon Apr 25 18:52:08 CEST 2016) over newer build (Wed May 18 2:49:50 SGT 2016).
E:Error in /sideload/
(Status 7)

Installation Aborted.
E:Can’t open /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/misc
(Permission denied) Unquote

Is it linked to the fact that I’m using the 16.04 version file and not the 16.05 file which is not available.
I guess it is the case because I get the “Can’t install this package (…) over newer build” message.

I get several options but I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to crash my phone :

  • apply update from ADB
  • wipe data/factory reset
  • wipe cache partition

Should I use one of this options ? Or wait the 16.05 version file ?


Tbh I don’t know where to find the 16.05 file on the homepage either, but here is the link someone else shared on the forum:

That link comes directly from the official Open OS website from Fairphone:

That’s where I searched but there are only 16.04 links…

Not for me… o_O
Maybe delete your browser’s cache? :stuck_out_tongue:

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:blush: duh! :blush:

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The webpage has been updated and I have been able to install 16.05 version.
