Can't change wallpaper

Hi, since the Android upgrade to 13, I cannot change my wallpaper to any of my photo-collection. When I click on ‘Change wallpaper’->‘My Photos’, it just crashes. I tried clearing the data and cache of the “Wallpaper” app, but it didn’t help.


I can replicate this. We have to inform support of this contactsupport

I found it is possible to set a photo as wallpaper from the app Photos. But the way you describe should work too.


Came to the forum to find out if anyone else has this problem… seems like :-/

It’s working with my Gallery app, though…

edit: sent a ticket to support

I can confirm this issue.

Trying to change the wallpaper, the app Wallpaper and style is called up. When I try to change its permissions, it says “This app doesn’t support the latest version of Android.”

So maybe the function of changing the wallpaper is connected to a wrong and outdated app?

Google Photos is half a workaround because it can set the wallpaper of the home screen (but not of the lock screen).

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I’m using Simple Gallery, which can set the lock screen but crops the images weirdly…

With FP5 out and Support having to deal with 3 phone OSes now, my bets are not on Fairphone actually fixing this, though…

as each device is managed by a different team, I dont think so.

I don’t know what makes you think this since it was reported by a beta tester and they are working on a fix.

Many thanks for your insights, seems you know more than me here.
(I don’t know much about what beta testers reported, or what is planned to be fixed, I also don’t know much about team sizes or structures at FP.)

On your question on what makes me think so, simply a gut feeling, based on my past experience, and the fact that I have not received any feedback on my support ticket.
I just said wouldn’t place my bets on it (and still won’t, tbh), nothing more. I’m happy to hear there’s a realistic chance for this issue to get attended to.

Fingers crossed!


yes, this glitch came with the last android upgrade. setting the wallpaper from the photos app works though. would be great to have the legit way back soon.

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Glad to hear it is not just me then.

Questions, in case anyone can check:

  • Is setting the wallpaper working for anyone out there?
  • For those for which it isn’t, anything special you have configured on your phone (e.g. uninstalled system apps, running some weird network settings), anything that differs significantly from the factory version?

I’m still puzzled by this one, and would like to find out whether there’s something that can be done…

I have the same problem and couldn’t figure out any solution. I had stock Photos app disabled, but enabling it did not help.

I took a bug report and found at what point the Wallpaper app crashes - unfortunately I did not found anything useful online related to the method that triggers the NullPointerException.

2023-10-21 15:34:43 system_app_crash (text, 1265 bytes)
PID: 10891
UID: 10209
Frozen: false
Flags: 0x20c8be45
Package: v33 (13)
Foreground: Yes
Process-Runtime: 3155584
Build: Fairphone/FP3/FP3:13/6.A.020.0/gms-88126537:user/release-keys
Loading-Progress: 1.0
Dropped-Count: 0

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean' on a null object reference
	at android.view.View.performClick(
	at android.view.View.performClickInternal(
	at android.view.View.-$$Nest$mperformClickInternal(Unknown Source:0)
	at android.view.View$
	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)


I have no solution for the photo problem per se, but if anyone wants to win this game by not playing it, just set a background colour to free up some focus for something else.
In newer Android there tends to be no direct option for this, but there’s this old and simple and small App here which does the job for me perfectly for a long time now … Simply Solid | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository.

thanks a lot!
I’ve added the stack trace to my support ticket.

to quote from my support ticket reply:

We apologize for our delay in responding to your message.

Due to the popularity of our new Fairphone 5 and our Android 13 release for the Fairphone 4, we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of support requests.

So, FP might indeed be struggling with capacity.

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…nevertheless, with the new update (arrived here today), the issue is now fixed!!

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Support is not the development team and this is a different one for each device… Support issues are as old as Fairphone


Support issues are as old as Fairphone


@jromanowska, please add the fp4 tag too, because I experience this on my FP4.

@swhcz, I use

No we will not mix devices in the help category. If you have that issue on a FP4, open a seperate topic for it when you feel it should be reported here