Cannot open pdf files from Gmail

Hi, on my fairphone 4 I am unable to open pdf documents from gmail - app just says try again. Fyi I have installed AA Reader and Lector as well as WPS, but nothing is helping.

Is this a fairphone design issue??

Hi @krnielse and welcome to the forum!

I would rather guess that it´s an issue from one or more of the used apps instead of Fairphone.

Try to save the PDF file locally on your phone. Can you open the PDF with any of your apps then? (Then the issue could be the gmail app incorrectly handing over the file to the PDF viewer)

If not: Create a simple PDF file by yourself just with a few words of text. Are your PDF apps able to open this files properly when saved locally on your Fairphone? (If yes, then I would say that the PDF file you actually want to open directly from gmail does have any functions embedded that your PDF viewers can´t interpret)

There are so many functions possible inside an PDF file, I´ve seem many (free) PDF apps that can´t correctly handle all of this functions together.

So in a nutshell: Chances are high that your PDF viewers/apps are not capable to handle this special file.


this is not the issue I think. I can neither open nor save from gmail app. However, file opens fine on my ipad or other devices. Its standard pdf files and not just one example - its a general issue.

No problem here with any PDF with x-plore, xodo, moon+…

If you long-press the Gmail app icon and then choose App Info, are there any permissions not granted?

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