Can 🍯 honey be đŸŒ± vegan?

Honey is something I’ve not missed at all after becoming vegan.


Maple syrup and Rapadura sugar are on the menu now.

I skip Agave as it uses the liver more than sugar, and I don’t want to overload that organ as it comes in useful for rum.

If honey contained any or some of the things I have to substitute, then I might make my own bee-friendly honey, but since it doesn’t contain B12, D3 or folic acid and only little iron, I’m not really interested anymore.

Also I have since come to believe that in many cities, like Vienna where I live, there are too many honey-bees anyway and you’d do better for biodiversity if you supported wild bees and other pollinators instead of honeybees.
Though I’m not sure about that.

Anyway I rarely use any honey replacements either.

Ah, Herrliche Diskussionen ĂŒber diese Dinge. Klar ist es ein wichtiges Thema. Und ohne Bienen hĂ€tten wir auf jeden Fall ein riesen Problem.
Ich wĂŒrd eher Fragen, was kannst DU selbst tun um Dinge zu verbessern? Zum Beispiel keinen Honig kaufen, wenn es dir nicht passt. Wie gehst du mit Klimawandel um? Sind es “die anderen” die etwas tun mĂŒssen, oder “die da oben”? Was ist mit dir? Mal darĂŒber nachgedacht das du mit deinem Urlaub die grĂ¶ĂŸte globale Wirtschaftsindustrie der Welt unterstĂŒtzt auf Kosten des Klimas und der Armut anderer Menschen? Oder mal darĂŒber nachgedacht mehrfach umverpackte Produkte nicht mehr zu kaufen? Mal Regionale Produkte gekauft? Wie wĂ€re es mal mit RegelmĂ€ĂŸig kaufen :). Ja, zu teuer, so ist das mit Arbeit die Bezahlt werden soll. Dumping und Geiz ist Geil ist leider nicht alles. Weniger ist mehr und kann oftmals teurer sein als ĂŒblich.

Congratulations on giving a completely wrong answer to this issue. The things you’re mentioning are precisely what oil and gas companies want you to think. While personal action is important, its effects are diminishably small in the grand scheme of things, even if everyone participated. Have a look at:


Would you find the situation ethical if you were working hard all days and someone just take 50% of what you achieved without any compensation ?

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einfach mal so weitermachen wie bisher :slight_smile: , wieso auch was Àndern

Sorry to what do you refer ? I suppose I could have used a translator to see if the previous post was relevant but I don’t trust translators.

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Do you think the Grand Scheme is a business on how to sustain the use of the variable resources to human advantage,

So whereas I agree that ‘companies’ want each and every one of us to sign up to their exploitation, that includes Fairphone.

While personal action is the most important, thing anyone can do . . . . . . it is the only thing anyone can do but more reasonably to save themselves, not the planet, from being exploited and exploiting others.

How to recognise a verganer?

He tells you :stuck_out_tongue: !!!

A little Joke :smiley:

The reasons for being vegan can be many and varied, but I really can’t understand why we have to deal with chemical crap that is supposed to replace some kind of non-vegan products.
Just don’t eat it and that’s it.

Have fun with that

First there is no ‘have to’ I surely haven’t.

Secondly what chemicals do you feel you need to consume as a vegan, and as all things are chemicals, what do you mean by ‘crap’. Everything is crap to some degree.


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