After this week’s FP4 OS update the “stock” camera app does not finish loading. It is just a black screen for… at least 5 minutes (i lost patience after that).
The camera works fine with other apps like open camera, whatsapp, signal, etc.
Anyone got any clues?
I tried the usual: rebooting the phone, clearing the cache, clearing the cache and storage, reinstating all permissions, etc.
It’s always helpful to indicate the precise version you’re running, even if it’s “this week’s FP4 OS update”. This is because not all phones receive a new version at the same time, and it’s also helpful in the future when re-reading a post. So could you report the value you see when you go to Settings > About phone > Build number.
If possible, could you also tell us which was the previous version that you were running on the phone, before doing the update?
I would advise you to contactsupport about this straight away, as there may be a wait in the queue.
does the “black screen” extend to the whole screen or do you see the app functions and just black coming from the camera itself?
does this happen indoors as well as outdoors?
have you tried disabling adaptive brightness and turning brightness up to max?
fp4 ver FP4.TP2D.C.0112.20240313
camera app v7.00.04.0007.7.0
I don’t know which version I had before. I believe before this one, it was the big camera overhaul version.
I didn’t want to slam the support button without checking in with the hive mind and it is not critical in my life, I just found it odd and wanted to leave a breadcrumb if case someone else had the same issue
Black screen is the whole screen except for the ⨞ ◯ ⧠ android symbols.
yep, indoors and outdoors
Brightness is set to max. (double checked) and the android symbols are easy to see
I did the troubleshooter thing, the wide camera failed, I opened the phone, and one of the camera connectors was disconnected. Connected it, and huzzah!