I just got my FP3+. Unpacked it, did the update but then immediately prepared the installation of /e/OS. I unlocked the bootloader and installed /e/ according to the official guides.
The problems:
When I use the camera, I get a message saying: “Error opening the camera. Is the camera being used by another application? ID:0” (translated by me from ger->eng). This happens with /e/ stock camera and OpenCamera. My qr-code-reader doesn’t display the message, but the camera doesn’t work either. The camera did work on the original OS.
There is no video playback. This is the case for webm playbacks in Clover (it gets stuck on the first image), for anything in NewPipe (“Not solveable playback error”) and also for downloaded videos in VLC (video gets stuck on first image).
I have no clue what could cause this and what to do. I have a bit of experience with flashing roms on my old phone, and I have not noticed a major mistake on my part. I also did not change any substantial settings yet.
/e/OS does not yet support the FP3+ and the new camera modules. You will have to wait for October to get /e/ on the FP3+. Video playback may be related as well.