Looks like this by default:
with all default apps installed. But I quite like the initial dialogue where you can select or unselect the installed default apps…
Looks like this by default:
with all default apps installed. But I quite like the initial dialogue where you can select or unselect the installed default apps…
@Volker have you re-locked your bootloader?
No, currently not daring it (although CalyxOS itself again reminds to lock it on starting the OS)…
I have an “old” Pix5 here. My old business phone.
I use this with original OS for my Banking 2FA apps.
I installed calyxOS on that for testing. And oops, some of the apps don’t work. I knew that…
But anyhow, I wanted to test calyxOS and so I did it.
Now, back to Stock because of my 2FA apps.
Result and lessons learned.
Nothing different as on original A12, and again I don’t like it
Enough that I have to life with it on my stock Pix5. But i switch this one on only once a month or so…
The End
I will stay on iodé on my FP4. I LOVE it. I leave it. I don’t touch it
Pix5 keeps on stock with as many goolag apps deactivated and deinstalled as possible.
Just for 2FA
But fuck, this little road-trip this afternoon has meant that i have to set the whole thing up again
That takes longer than the little trip itself
@Volker and @hirnsushi did anyone of you test the cameras? Does wide angle and 48 MP work?
I follow your lead, Sir. Thanks for all the info on IodeOS here and thanks for making sure I am not sacrificing all the work I had to customize it to my demands just to check out CalyxOS. Highly appreciated!
All right, thank you.
It’s the default AOSP camera they are using without any changes.
This cam cannot more
You mean that the camera app by itself is only capable of 12 Megapixel and that there is no possibility to change to wide angle?
Which cam does iodé use and what works/doesn’t work? Does any of the gcam ports work with the wide angle camera and support the full resolution?
Should summarize it
Yes, as Yvonne already mentioned, it’s a topic of the API and the close source part of Fairphone cam.
iodé is using OpenCamera as default cam app with a few adjustments, but not wide angle lens.
Only /e/ has this fix in their OpenCamera fork, and I think they only could do this because of help from Fairphone.
@Volker , @hirnsushi
Is osmand and/or organic map working correctly? Regarding gps?
Did you get directly a gps fix? outdoor?
and indoor? without cannot seen satellites?
using the microG location providers?
What I mean, do you have directly the correct position if you start one of those two apps?
one other thing which is bothering me about calyxOS. But this is only my opinion and view…
calyxOS has “only” a firewall to prevent apps on network interface level to connect to internet and “outside world”
To prevent system from trackers, malware, etc… you have additionally to install DNS filter such as personalDNSfilter, RethinkDNS, or adAway, which are using VPN as long as the system is not rooted.
iodè has this build in in their ROM. (I know this is the non-Open-Source part, but it doesn’t hurt me).
Yes, location worked perfectly in organic maps with microG installed (have tried it indoor).
I would say: for my understanding, it only summarizes it to a limited extent (I’ve read it all before) because: the FP Android is based on A11, CalyxOS on A12.
So it could be that CalyxOS has found a way to work around the problems of the original Android or that the problem does not exist with A12. But since I have too little technical knowledge about the structure of Android and the nature of the problem, I just ask.
From my limited understanding of this topic the problem isn’t necessarily with any specific Android version, but rather that the FP Camera uses a proprietary API to communicate with the hardware and a lot of that isn’t exposed to the open Camera2 API.
It would be best for Fairphone to just adhere to the open standard! If custom ROMs have to fight for every camera functionality this might always be an uphill battle
So if I understand you correctly, the problem is in the proprietary firmware of the camera?
As far as I understand it, yes.
That firmware will obviously stay proprietary, so either Fairphone exposes more functionality to the Camera2 API or workarounds have to be found to talk to the hardware, potentially by reverse engineering how the FP Camera app communicates.
I can’t tell you how the custom ROM devs are trying to tackle this at the moment, haven’t looked at the code and I’m not a java developer
Thanks for the explanation, that clears it up for me!