[Bug] ✏ Upgrade to FP Open 17.06.4 renders phone useless (freezes once booted and reboots itself)

Unfortunately, my feelings come close to Roboe’s. Currently, I do not have too much time to play around fixing my phone and am dependent on a working phone on which I can be reached. I’m still dealing with quite a few issues (GPS, battery life, random reboots, random screen freezes…), making every day usage quite challenging. I still believe in Fairphone and love what they’re all about, but some things are highly irritating. @Douwe this is a very serious bug, how come there’s no statement or at least official acknowledgement, yet? Is something happening? And why has this update not been removed or put on hold, yet? At the very least I’d expect an official warning so others make a full backup before upgrading!

I wrote my whole failed upgrade story in the other thread (e.g. failed last attempt) and it feels like Fairphone hasn’t even noticed there’s an issue. No I did not file a support ticket, I had my hopes up that the reports on backtracker were sufficient for something to happen… :expressionless: