Bug in FP3 installation script

I found a small typo in the installation script flash_fp3.command that prevents (at least in Mac OS) the correct execution of the script.

Download link: https://fairphone-android-builds.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/FP3/FP3-8901.4.A.0019.2-gms-53c17a08-user-fastbootimage.zip

L.91 sleep 2s should be sleep 2, otherwise the script fails with error usage: sleep seconds.

I don’t think there is a git for reporting this small typo, but if so, thanks for providing me the link and sorry for this post :slight_smile:


There isnt the only way to report such is by #contactsupport


Hey @NicoM and @yvmuell,

I bumped into this conversation by chance, so I’ll take care of the “typo” directly. No need to contact support.

If you have already opened a ticket, feel free to follow-up and close it. You can link to this thread if you want.



For the record:

  • The sleep command has been added only to the latest build (19.2)
  • Using the package from the previous build (17.3) will work
  • We will fix the script for the next build
  • It looks like older version of macOS (I tested 10.16) handled the suffix gracefully and ignored it. Something must have changed recently (either the binary or something in the inner workings of macOS)



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