Bought Wire and Charger

Hi all. I have bought a fairephone 4.

Today, i want to buy a type C USB Wire.

A wire on official website cost is 20 € and on other website is 5 €.|mp

What is the real difference ? And is the consequence ?

Same for charger !

Thanks a lot

The Fairphone cable has the option for USB-C to USB-C and you can use it as a cable for USB-C to USB-A.
So double function.

Ok, but to charge and do data transfert into PC.

USB type C wire cable specification should be the same no ?

I would be careful. The FP4 cable supports fast charging, i.e. higher currents by thicker wires. Make sure when you buy something off the shelf that it promotes not only data exchange but also fast charging. What that promation is worth … ?

Okey, but the pinout is the same on each USB wire C no ?

I’m totally agree with fast charging and Watts supported by wires.

USB-C ist USB-C, wiring always is the same standard.