I’ve got my FP2 too and one of the first things, was to test my earphones AudioMX (HB-8A) over bluetooth. The sound is awful. I expected the same quality as my old Iphone 4S, but every app which has sound (DS Audio/Youtube/Amazon …) stutters. Irrelevant if I play music over 3G, W-Lan local … . I thought, maybe a problem with the headset, so I tried my old bluetooth in-ears (Plantronics) … but no changes: Sound stutters.
If I connect my phones via cable, the sound is clear … as expected.
So I tested external speakers (Logitech/Amazon basic) over bluetooth, it’s a bit better, but far away from what I would expect.
That is really a big show stopper, because the music apps are my most used apps. :-/
Does anybody have the same problem? Maybe the original Android works better?
Yep, same problem here. I have a brand new phone whose bluetooth sound is so poor I’m thinking about going back to my old, unfair previous phone…
No problem using the jack-wired headset, though.
The bluetooth stutters, as you say, and the songs seem to be played more slowly !