Better camera for FP5 to be expected?

My most important selection criterium when buying a new smartphone has always been the quality of the camera: I wanted high optical zoom. I now have a HUAWEI P30 pro. Is there any chance for a camera module in FP5 or successor with a high optical zoom ?


The most sustainable phone is the one you already have. If this phone still gets updates and works fine, there is no need for an FP5. Your module question is more for FP itself, we’re just part of the community, like you.


I doubt it. The only time that I know where they’ve released a camera module was for the FP3+ and they have seemingly stopped doing the + editions now, seeing as they released the FP5 instead of the FP4+ shrugs

They did it for the Fairphone 2, too (there was no Fairphone 2+, though) … New camera modules make the Fairphone 2 upgradeable - Fairphone

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Thanks for the comment. :blush:

I think it cannot be totally dismissed, after all they released another FP5 with a different motherboard.
But I think the new phone is more likely in the books for 2025

Did I miss something?

Hi, was not sure how to name it, so would welcome the rephrasing suggestions.
What I meant was a different version, with less RAM and storage.

Ok, but that’s basically the same thing, just with less memory :wink:
I would like a telephoto lens too, I can use more often, than an ultrawideangle that makes everything (and everybody) really wiiiiide at the corners of the picture :slight_smile:


I’d rather like it as a replacement for the depth-sensor. Why is there one in the firat place? Do non-stock camera apps or ROMs even use it? Does it really have a great effect and if so, why is fairphone the only company I know using it?

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The best way ist to hold you smartphone as a smartphone and if you want a very good material with a big zoom you need to go for a separate camera what is designed for it.

A post was split to a new topic: Third Party Modules?

I won’t buy an FP unless:

  • it has a better camera
  • it has a better battery

The “depth-sensor” is better called “Time of Flight”-sensor, or short ToF sensor and if you search for that in combination with any recent smartphone you’ll see that virtually all of them have it. Sure, most of them won’t have it as prominent as the FP5 has, but it is there and it has a number of use-cases.

Looking at the facts I’d rather have better software: Camera is mostly okay and the battery already has a good size. But both hardware components could potentially be used more efficiently (having said that I’m rather happy with the camera already).

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