Hi there, I am looking for a good alternative to Google Messages for simple and easy SMS; for a number of reasons I don’t want a basic service like SMS to be tied to a particular Google account (for one thing it makes using a single Google account to manage several phones a bit harder now). What’s your favourite ? In the past I used Simple SMS Messenger (by Simple Mobile Tools) but their free version is now bloated with ads and some reports say the paid version is excessively priced. What about Textra ? Others ?
Fossify is the “new simple mobile tools”. They forked all the Apps and those are still FOSS.
looks promising, thanks a lot…will look at the other Fossify apps too
I use most of the Fossify apps. However, when it comes to SMS I far prefer Quik SMS.
Looks much much better + they are planning on adding encryption between Quik users.
I also just installed Fossify Contacts, and Sophos Intercept X raises a red flag & warns me that the app is allowed to “ask Android to install other apps” (actually in Fr on my phone “Cette appli peut demander à Android d’installer une autre appli”) ?..mmmhhh
Did you use the Playstore or F-Droid? And the right to ask isnt the right to do it. Maybe its needed to upgrade from free to paid?
Literally every app can ask if you want to install another app.
I wouldn’t give it much thought.