Banking app ( Comdirect ) Photo tan cannot be activated

Hello, I just got the fairphone and wanted to activate online banking on it. For.this, my bank sent me a photo tan image. Usually, you can scan this with the banking app and authorise therefore the use of the phone. But with the fairphone the app does not recognize the picture, therefore no push message comes and the phone does not get authorized. Any ideas?
Thank you

May assume the camera does not focus? With whatsapp it was similar putting the app in thr backgraund and going back again helped in that case…

Zeigt die App die Grafik an und löst nicht aus? Dann eher den Support von comdirect kontaktieren.
Oder braucht die App noch die Berechtigung, die Kamera zu nutzen?

I had the same problem. Solution was to request a new “Aktivierungsbrief” with new QR code.
The QR codes will expired after some time.
With new QR code Comdirect App works sufficient.