Indeed it’s a shame. But it’s covered by the guarantee for the legal period of 2 years from date of reception of the phone. I just got mine replaced for the second time for free, for the exact same reason.
From the picture, it seems the cases’ logo is painted on them. But I have no clue how long it’ll last.
Bei mir haben sich die Buchstaben nun schon vom zweiten Backcover abgelöst. Das sieht dann einfach nur billig aus!
Deshalb habe ich mir mal die Mühe gemacht und das Logo vektorisiert um es mit einem Plotter aus Klebefolie zu schneiden. Damit kann ich die fehlenden Buchstaben selbst ersetzen oder sogar eine andere Farbe verwenden.
Übrigens kann man hier im Forum so eine SVG auch direkt anhängen – auf solchen Servern tendiert das sonst, verloren zu gehen:
(Du kannst da rechts klicken -> “Bild speichern” wählen z.B.)
In English
Wow thanks!
By the way, you can also attach such a SVG directly here in the forum - on such servers it tends to get lost otherwise:
(You can right-click -> save image there e.g.…)
BTW, if anyone did not got the original message: The SVG is a vectorized version and you can use a plotter to cut it from adhensive foil. So you can replace letters, or even use a different color.
Could be an option for Fairphone Angels to have a bunch of plotted sticker in the repair case to avoid the change of the whole back cover (and to avoid waste).
Do you know online services who sell plotted stickers?
Or could Fairphone itself (@formerFP.Com.Manager ) print a batch of these stickers and send it to the people with loose letters or to the Fairphone Angels?
Mine lasted less than two months. The I was first to go. Then the A.
Each time I took it out of my pocket a letter would be left behind.
I live in Egypt which has a hot humid climate which I think made it worse faster than usual.
I have also lost some stickers in a sweaty pocket and am against ordering a replacement. I have filled the letters with pencil. I think it looks quite nice now in the silvery grey. Not as outspoken as the original white letters and better than leaving it empty because you cannot see through it. And it is easy to apply with a propelling pencil.
I was going to ask if anyone knew where I can get an ‘E’ ??
But now I need an ‘N’ as well.
Anyone else have the white lettering on the back of the phone fall out?
They aren’t actually painted - they are little white plastic letters cut/printed precisely to fit the grooves in the back of the phone (I put my ‘e’ back about 3 times before I lost it).
Can I get some new ones ? - I really liked it when my phone said ‘FAIRPHONE’ people asked about it. Now it says ‘FAIRPHO’ fewer people seem interested !
You can exchange the back cover at Fairphone. This is a production error that has been known long enough. The phone is too expensive to accept such a thing if you don’t want it.
I think they’ve improved it slighltly by enlarging the letters. But this problem is strange: I thought they had perfectly sticking letters on the FP2 slimcovers…
My ‘RPHONE’ is now protected and has been transformed back into a ‘FAIRPHONE’ (hopefully long-term) by the lovely green case that a kind forumite was getting rid of and sent to me
Almost lost the I the other day, my pocket was wet from the rain, when I move it I can feel the cheap glue playing underneath the sticker, so I would say it is not moisture proof.
Many thanks for the advice - for me, however, exchanging the case on a sustainable product somehow seems wrong. I will attempt a hack with some nail polish