I’m asking the developer to build up the possibility to remove the bottom Google search bar from Fairphone stock launcher. I have a FP3 with android 10 latest build: that bar is bugged because overlaps icons and brings higher the seach bar in all-apps view. And… i use Firefox so i’m asking why i have to look at this useless bar.
Thank you so much for your fair job! Best of all!
we’ve had the topic here many times before. The Google search bar is tied to the launcher (“Home app”) that comes with the FP3 by default. It is called Quickstep.
But you can easily use another launcher without the fixed Google bar. You will find a plethora of them in the app store of your choice. Many people prefer Nova with its endless customization possibilities. I would rather go for Lawnchair 2 or Action Launcher (if you prefer Pixel style).
Best wishes,
Thank you for the suggestion.
So, just waiting a fix for the overlapped issue.
Unfortunately, that will do nothing on its own, as we are a community forum and not the company. Fairphone staff might read along here and engage occasionally, or not.
Please make Fairphone support aware of the issue directly (or if they are aware, raise the urgency of the issue with your additional voice) … https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us.
Thanks for this, I think I might finally go for an alternative launcher. Can I just ask - if I decide I don’t like it, and uninstall it from my phone, will the phone automatically revert to the default Quickstep launcher?
If you install a different launcher, on entering the home screen Android would usually prompt you for which installed launcher should handle this … you would select your newly installed one then.
If you uninstall the new launcher later, this launcher choice would be void, and if Android doesn’t revert to the stock launcher automatically, the same launcher choice prompt should pop up again on entering the home screen, and you would then be able to set the stock launcher as the one to use again.
If all else fails, you can set the launcher manually in Settings - Apps & notifications - Default apps - Home app.
(I’m not running the stock OS, but this setting should be somewhere.)
You can have multiple launchers installed. Just select the one you actually want to use in Settings > Apps and notifications > Defaults apps > Home app.
Thank so much for the clear instructions! Very helpful, and reassuring!
Another thanks for the information on alternative launchers! I will need to look into this further for my FP3 (now running Android 10).
I myself also don’t like that Generalissimo Google search bar, not so much because it is “bugged” as because, in my opinion, it is useless. If I want to search the WWW, I’ll do that from a browser(-and-VPN) of my choice, thank you. I’m also very very unhappy I can accidentally trigger voice-input, something I detest and distrust (I do understand it is critical, or useful, for others).
EDIT: Android 10 (just to be complete).
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