i have used fp3 for several years now and its easly the best smartphone i ever had since i value longevity, sustainability, durability over anything.
i find the fp3 to be allmost indestructible. that little thing is maybe more durable than the rugged military grade stuff.
it has been beaten, dropped, drenched, mudded, covered in sand, covered in grease, fried, damped, electrocuted and more and still going strong. only switched a couple of parts.
its like the smartphone equivalent of the toyota corolla 1992 model.
good folks on the forum
my question is as follows:
how do fp4 and fp5 perform on these marks?
are they as durable as fp3? or is it just a chipset upgrade measured in gigaherz and megapixel with modern techs brittleness attached to it?
i would very much appriciate an answer from someone who have owned both models (fp3& 4or5) and value the same attributes
(edit: grammar)
And more ? The poor thing. But don’t leave us guessing here now .
yeah we been through a lot together. seawater, fishguts, running sweat, party alcohol, cleaning alcohol, cleaning products, gasoline, manure, bikechainoil, melted chocolate, squeezed berries, toothpaste, beerbrewingspill, coffee, faulty hardware, bad jokes, tobacco, hotsauce, dairy, ashes, snot… i can go on, but i think you get the picture
I use a FP3 with a protective case and it fell down several times and I had no problems except for some dust in the display connector in the beginning. The FP3 is not waterproof and I had to change the bottom module. The sudden death can be a problem.
We have a FP4 with 2 batteries in my family and it seems to me even more durable than the FP3.
I use a FP3 with a protective case and it fell down several times and I had no problems except for some dust in the display connector in the beginning. The FP3 is not waterproof and I had to change the bottom module. The sudden death can be a problem.
We have a FP4 with 2 batteries in my family and it seems to me even more durable than the FP3.
this is golden. exacly what type of answer i was looking for. much obliged
I had the FP3 and switched to the FP5. So far absolutely nothing has broken it. I use it with a protective case and a screen protector. The last I switched once due so scratches. Everything else is perfect. Had it in wet surroundings, rain and several drops. It look like new if I remove the case… just don’t get the original case since its not protecting the screen.
We have a FP2 several FP3s a FP4 and a FP5 in our family. FP3 is still my favorite. I used it the longest. It’s just an amazing peace of value for the price you’d to pay. Been using the FP4 now for almost a year without any protection whatsoever. Have been dropping it ever since once or twice… from any heigt between 0 to 1m… per day. So I find it on the ground more often than I would find it in my hand. Turns out the missing rubber protective case and my trouser pockets don’t go well along. Either way it has only minor scratches. I expect at least the display to suffer major damages at any time soon but it just doesn’t happen. Apart from that I have the green FP4 and it seems the recycled back cover is just a painted black cover so it rubs offs around the corners. Doesn’t bother me but it’s a little suprising/confusing as I thought those little color peaces really do represent recycled particles.
Now and then it gets a littel wet when used in light rain – so far no problems. I wouldn’t drop into water thought.