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Having trouble with APN settings for Tele2, someone who knows how to fix this?
The settings on Tele2 help site is not working…
Best Wishes
@Emma_Ohrwall Tele2 worked just out of the box for me. Settings are currently:
Name: Tele2
ANP type: default,supl,mms
Do you need any other settings?
SE: Bra initiativ
EN: Nice initiative
SE: Jag håller med! Särskilt frågor som har med nätverk och operatörer att göra är ju ofta landspecifika. Undrar hur många vi är, vi svenska FP-ägare?
EN: I agree! Especially questions concerning networks and providers are often country-specific. I wonder how many we are, we Swedish FP owners?
hälsningar/greetings KG
I’m sorry guys but I don’t think it is necessary to make a separate thread for Swedish users. Please split up your questions: the answers might be useful for other users as well. I’m renaming this thread to “APN settings in Sweden (Tele2)”.
@BroX I’ve tried many different ones but finally it’s working with the one you also use. Thank you! Now I just need to find a Wifi tomorrow so I can download app store, I use cable at home. Fairphone = patience
@kgha + Nordlig I also wonder how many we are! At least four of us here
Settings if anyone else needs it:
MMS-port: 8080
MCC: 240
MNC: 07
These APN settings are not working for me Any idea of what to do?
You’re on Tele2 Sweden? Maybe you can try the settings suggested at their website:
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