Android-Auto won't connect and disconnects suddenly

Hi all,

my FP3 connects to android-auto in my OPEL only when connected by bluetooth AND usb. Other cars only need the bluetooth connection for screensharing.

Sometimes the connection won’t work and if it works it disconnects suddelny without any reason.

Anyone else got this issue? Thanks in advance

In both my Kia Niro as my Hyundai Ionic 5 I need to connect via USB for AA to work. Even have to use a specific USB port in my car, only 1 will work with AA. That seems to be a choice car manufacturers make.

I also had problems with sudden disconnecting and reconnecting. When it got worse, I noticed that my charger cable at home also frequently disconnected. Solved it by replacing the bottom module of my FP3.

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I get this too. To avoid it I have to carefully place the phone in my Peugeot so the cable does not work loose. When I had an FP2, there was a metal housing around the microusb port which could be squeezed a little to hold the cable firm but no equivalent in the FP3

Thanks you both!
I changed the bottom module and it’s working fine again. Seems the module was broken a longer time :smiley:


Everything worked fine for 5 days. Then my FP3 suddenly turned off and won’t react at all. Won’t start and also won’t charge… :unamused:

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Also noticed having to reinsert charging cable at home. Giving a very slight squeeze to the plug on charging cable has made this completely reliable again. I get that this might not work for all however.

My mobile phone is completely dead! Nothing works anymore since then. Got the FP5 instead now :smiley: