Android 14 - Third-party passkey management missing


Just updated to Android 14 (FP5) this morning and everything went really smooth. But then I tried to test “third-party passkey management”… for the first time possible, I thought…

But that feature seems to be missing. Really unfortunate and disappointing to me, since it was the more or less only thing I was looking forward to with Android 14. (apart from other security improvements etc.)

I hope this gets to be “upgraded” soon, as using passkeys with third-party passkey providers (like Bitwarden, 1Password, Dashlane etc.) is more and more possible (on Android 14 and higher) and provides a more secure way of authentication.

As of now, this important part of Android 14’s improvements remains missing for Fairphones, then. (And the passkeys I - or others - have in my/their password managers can’t be used on an seemingly up-to-date mobile phone until this is fixed… had I known this before, I might have chosen a Google Pixel back in Febuary '24, which get’s all Android functions in a timely manner, rather than a Fairphone, I must say.)

(@system et al.)


I agree with you. I was also looking forward to using my Proton Pass app to start authenticating with the Passkeys stored inside.

1 hope I have is the fact that Google is going to deprecate the old system in a future Android version. So if they keep their promise of upgrading Android to 15 and beyond they need to implement this, I think.

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I hope you don’t mean that this feature comes with Android 15 to Fairphones? So we have to wait around one year?

Android 14 was released on October 4th, 2023. - And I thought, when it comes to the Fairphone now, it would contain this important feature, after such a long time since the initial release…

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This can only happen when you tell Fairphone, the forum is a user forum.

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Thanks. I wrote to the Fairphone support.

But I guess if others search for that missing feature, they can at least read here that it’s not their fault if it doesn’t work for them, trying to set it up.


I did the same things - passkey feature seems to be missing.

But I hope you’re kidding. Around one year of waiting, as this feature should be already there in Android 14?

And would it be so complicated to implement it now?

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I know that my response sounded a bit cynical but my guess is that it is more work than we estimate. I can’t think of a Reason why Oppo and Oneplus don’t have this Feature as well and they sell Millions of Phones while Fairphone sells 100’000 to 200’000 of one Model. Fairphones Resources in Software Development are very limited. That’s why New Features and Fixes take time, but Fairphone delivered so far.

I am always glad to be proven wrong though. I am a bit burned by the likes of Mudita and Punkt, so this is why I take a much more cautious approach anticipating new features and fixes from smaller Brands.

Does Fairphone Check this Forum or is it just Users without them joining?

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