I recently changed provider and was sent a new SIM. Since installing it, the wi-fi calling icon has appeaered in my status bar between the wi-fi and mobile signal icons. However, wi-fi calling is unavailable on my phone/provider, and I can’t work out where to turn it on (if that’s even possible). Is there any way to either activate wi-fi calling or remove the status bar icon?
Are you sure it’s WiFi calling and not VoLTE? The symbols look quite similar.
Hm, maybe so? It’s a phone icon with three curved lines inside a circle with a point at the top right. I’m guessing wi-fi calling might be the same but without the point? I tried looking up status bar icons on Android but couldn’t find a match.
Have a look here
Right after I installed Android14, I kept having the Wifi calling icon on the status bar even though I had turned it off. I found out that I needed to restart my phone after turning off Wifi calling for the icon to disappear. I turned the feature off in Settings → Network & internet → Calls & SMS → WiFi calling. So… to ask the oh-so-typical question: did you try restarting your phone after changing the settings?
Oh cool, that makes sense, thanks everyone!
Weirdly (maybe it’s a provider thing), I’m not able to change any settings under ‘Calls and SMS’; that page is blank. But everything seems to be working, so it’s all good