Hotspot works for me. Did you try to select 2,4GHz channel ?
Picking up on power consumption, I note a clear diminution especially when the phone is inactive (but not turned off). At night if I forget to switch on Airplane mode, consumption seems hardly (~ 2-3%) more than with it on ~ 1%). I could probably now go for four days on a full charge, but I usually keep to the 20% - 80% recommended range or narrower, so I just top up every other day or so. I seem to remember reading somewhere that this improvement was expected, but that doesn’t make it any less welcome!
Obviously power usage with the screen on is going to remain unchanged.
Good job
Yes, I did. Also tried all link encryption settings etc.
Check your APN settings > APN type. The list needs to contain “dun”. If not present, try to add it.
If adding is refused, in the first place you should contact the network operator.
Thanks for the hint. APN type is “default,supl,xcap”. Can’t change it myself.
But honestly speaking, I do not want to do research and talk to my network operator to fix things after an OS upgrade. What I want is a working phone.
You can not use the hotspot when WiFi is enabled, even with 2.4 GHz. This is at least confusing since older Android version just turned off the WiFi connection automatically if you enable the hotspot.
So the to enable the hotspot you need to do multiple steps:
- tap on the new “Internet” tile in quick settings
- disable “Wi-Fi”
- tap on “done”
- tap on the “Hotspot” tile in quick settings and check that it will stay active and not turn off itself again
At least turning in WiFi again is possible without turning off the hotspot manually first. But this issue is also one that should be addressed - the way it works at the moment is really confusing and many people will just not get it how to enable the hotspot at all.
That’s not entirely true. You can create a hotspot when connected to a Wi-Fi. But at that point, you’re actually sharing the Wi-Fi network through the hotspot, not the cellular data.
Additionally, there is currently a bug when creating a hotspot while being connected to a 5GHz Wi-Fi network.
Thanks for this hint. This was it. But as you are saying - this is weird behaviour and certainly more a bug tahn a feature
I agree, though it doesn’t affect me, since I never leave Wi-Fi and cellular data on at the same time. Should have thought of that though!
Maybe it’s time to create separate topics for each problem and move existing replies there? I see people reporting different issues here and some are even moved here by the mods. I think more focus and order is achieved when we dedicate topics for each problem with a description of when the bug was introduced, how to reproduce it and explain any potential workarounds. It may take FP a year to fix some of these issues. I don’t think we want to read this mega thread to see if something was already brought up or not. Especially after a year.
An example of topics moved here by mods:
No, as long as WiFi is enabled, the hotspot will not stay active when you try to turn it on. This is even the case when you are not connected to a wireless network but WiFi is enabled.
This topic is old and should not be used all for the current update and I doubt any mod would move anything here that is actually about the new update. Its the other way…however you cant always move everything and we have seperate Topics already.
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