An unrooted OS version for fairphone

Hi all,

I’ve used the Xposed Framework for quite a while, but I started noticing a lot of issues, as I explained in another post, here. This was mostly in combination with custom launchers and not the default Fairphone OS-launcher

Quoting myself

I had Solo Launcher for quite a while, but it had the same errors with other launchers (Go, Google Now, Apex…) The main problem was that when I exited an app, by pressing the home button, my launcher had to relaunch every time. Basically this spinning ‘loading’ thing popped up (default for android) and it had to reset my home screen. As well as my app drawer: every time I reopened my app drawer it had to ‘reset’ the icons.

Secondly: whenever I used the ‘quick launch’ tweak from Gravity Box (i.e. you could the drag the ‘unlock arch’ to an app, the phone would unlock and the selected app would be launched immediately), my phone completely crashed and I had to reset it by taking the battery out. It looked something like this1, but note that this is not Gravity Box.

So use GravityBox/Xposed Framework with caution!

Kind regards,
