Alternative for FP TWS Earbuds?

I need to replace my current headphones for a very stupid reason - I lost a silicon tip and replacing that stupid little thing costs me about 20-25€ incl. shipping. Since my headphones are also a little starting to come apart and I’m starting to see the case for cordless ear pods, I’m looking for a good alternative.
I see that the Fariphone Earbuds have been discontinued, but the large headphones are not practical for me. Did anyone do any research on other “fair”/sustainable ear buds that can be used with the FP but also e.g. for video conferencing at work?


I guess you need something relatively soon, so this might not materialize in time, but anyway: This is the latest known on this from Fairphone’s part:

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Danke dir, den Post hatte ich gesehen. Aber wie du richtig vermutest bräuchte ich etwas eher innert Wochen als Monaten. Irgendeine Idee?

I don’t know of any other “fair” earbuds out there. I bought a pair of Audio-Technica’s ATH-CKS50TW’s with a thought that if the battery life (at 20 hours) is 2-5 times better than typical, it should last longer without the batteries wearing out, so it should maybe be more sustainable. I first also disabled the on case charging by putting a piece of electric tape on the charging connectors, and removed it only when I actually needed to charge the earbuds to limit the amount of charging cycles put into the batteries.

The sound quality’s quite good, in my opinion, and I find the earbuds quite comfortable at least for me. The ANC isn’t quite on par with the best competitors though, but it helps in many situations. About fair aspects, they have a quite standard 2 year warranty and don’t seem to currently sell spare silicone tips for these earbuds.

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When iFixit disassembled the Fairphone TWS earbuds (with a disappointing 1/10 repairability score), they mentioned the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live’s (at least then) unrivaled repairability (8/10). @Incanus also mentioned that the Sony WF-1000XM3 have easily replaceable batteries (follow the link for first-hand repair feedback).


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