Allowing mp3 player to access large file files on SD card

I have >25k mp3 files on an SD card 90% of which are over 10Mb, no mp3 player I install will recognise any file over 10Mb. Is the a setting which allows the app to recognise and use these files. I note that when I use the Files app to look at the files I have select the ‘large files’ tag to be able to see the files.

Welcome to the community forum.

Some ideas here:
25k is a large number, it will take the system a while to scan through that whole supply until all audio files appear at your disposal in your music player app(s). I have been using VLC for an even bigger number of audio files for years, and while it uses the system scan of your storage as well, VLC also gives you the option to switch off the scan and directly access the files (you can also keep both options simultaneously – scan and direct access).

You can download VLC here (or just install it from your app store of choice):

Another idea or rather a question: Do you know how you set up the SD card when you first put it into the phone? Is it “extended internal storage” or “portable storage”? If you cannot determine which one it is, just make a screenshot (hold POWER and VOLUME DOWN to create one) of Settings > Storage and upload it here. The folks here will be instantly able to determine the formatting type then.


Hi Jim,

I use Phonograph and VLC. Both can play files over 10Mb and both are free. However, I do not have as many files on the SD card as you. This is on an FP4 with the Fairphone OS and now iode V3. Iodes own music player can also play mp3 files over 10Mb, but I tend to use Phonograph. All 3 players also recognise the playlists I generate.

My files are stored on a SD Card in a music folder, with sub folders for artists and album. The SD Card was formatted by the phone. Currently I have 95 Gbs of music on the SD card. The music is loaded onto the phone’s SD card using Music Bee on a Windows 10 machine which is connected to the phone using a USB data cable. Music Bee is also used for controlling and uploading playlists. My play lists are normally generated with MusicIP. I have found nothing that comes close to MusicIP in generating brilliant music playlists

I use flac files or MP3 VBR maxed out at the best rip settings.


See this post. If you have the SD card fromatted as portable you will see the eject icon to the right.


Hi Jim_Donnelly,

FP3 still on droid 10 (not downgrading to droid 11 just yet!).

Are you sure file size is the problem and not a case of missing codecs? Not all MP3s are equal, and many MP3s players rely on the system codecs.

I regularly play files that are 164MB and 274MB in size, stored on an SD card externally formatted. I use both VLC (free) and SmartAudiobook player (paid version). Both players include their own set of codecs. I haven’t found much that VLC won’t play so I second urs_lesse’s recommendation.

From what I’ve read here, formatting your SD card as internal storage is a disaster waiting to happen so don’t do it!

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