Hello, I bought my Fairphone in April and in these 4 months I have changed the battery, back camera and now the buttom module.
First problem I had was the back camera and that was after 3 weeks, it was before the new camera had come out and I thought that it was broken. So I bought the new camera and switched it. Just the day after I had the same problem, the back camera didn’t want to work and it only worked when I pressed the bottum part of it.
I figured out that it was the plastic cover that was the problem, I guess it presses on the camera in a weird way that makes it so it dosn’t work.
How I make it work now is that I pressed on the buttom until that dosen’t work anymore and after that I shut it down. I take of the back cover and start the phone again, sometimes that work and sometimes it dosen’t, somtimes I have to press on it even when I restart the phone.
Second problem is the battery, I let it load when I sleep and start using it for like 30min when I get to work at 6:30 and already it’s at like 60%. After that I use it to listen to a podcast, but it’s locked so the screen is not on and it’s down at 50-40% at lunch. I use at lunch for 30-40min and the battery is already down to 30-20%.
I don’t play any games, I just use it to look at Fb, Instagram, Reddit or listen to a podcast or music.
Third problem I have had with it is that it reacts to my leg when it in my poket at work, so I can feel sometimes that it’s vibrating and when I take it up to look it has jumped in the the unlock screen and it typing in numbers as it touches my leg when I walk.
I got industrial work pants, so the fabric isn’t that thin.
Fourth problem is the loading module, I can’t load it anymore unless I have a pen under the little load thingy connected to the phone. It is needed to be pressed up, I have been really careful and it still got this bad.
So in general I have been extremely disapponited, I was really excited for this phone. But in the stage it is now the only pluse side it has are the renewable aspect. Everything else is really bad.