Alarm without sound

My alarm clocks only are only vibrating. Normally it does. I got vibrating as sound profile, but this didn’t bother it the last times. Can you hell me?

When you go to Settings > Audio Profiles and tap the “+” you can create a custom audio profile that let’s the alarm ring but only vibrates on incoming calls.
Hope that helps.

Another question to audio profiles. I wanted to create a new profile - very similar to the “silent profile” which is preset. However I don’t want a vibration on touch. But when I put the volume of ringtones on zero, I’m unable to use the new profile - it automatically jumps to the silent profile with has vibrations on touch.

Any ideas?

Mine doesn’t. I unticked the “Vibrate on touch” option for the General Audio profile and it doesn’t vibrate using another profile either.

Oh I realized that even when I untick the “vibrate on touch” option my FP vibrates - no matter which option I use.


Are you talking about vibrating while typing? You’ll have to untick “sound on keypress” in settings > language & input > android keyboard (AOSP) / Google Keyboard / or whichever keyboard you use.

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Oh, I was on the wrong track. Thanks a lot! Now it works perfectly.

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