First of all, I am a big fan of how you guys make your phone, this is why I am posting this here first.
Due to numerous security and freedom concerns, I would like to own a second smartphone, that is a mixture of a companion and a hitchhiker’s guide.
I would be very intersted in owning a Fairphone without any radio connectivity. Like an iPod Touch without wifi or Bluetooth. This seems like the easiest solution, because apparently no phone manufacturer is able to produce a free as in freedom device.
So my proposal is, that Fairphone could launch a Kickstarter and do a larger batch of airgapped Fairphones. Because many people seem highly interested in a mobile companion. Fairphone would be the first to do so.
I can really see the device. Offline wiki, a nice DAC, a good camera and dual micro SD for internal backups.
Also, I don’t really see anything speaking against it. Upon succesful crowdfunding Fairphone would really just need to make a batch that leaves out the radio chips.
How does everyone feel about this ?