After update 1.3.6: Bluetooth profile problem

ad. 1.
I can’t recall that, I never read such a promise. Nonetheless, there is FP Open OS available, which is rooted.
Btw, this question was also discussed here, and as far as I remember, no one was able to come up with evidence that Fairphone ever promised that.

ad. 3.
If you refer to the latest bug: From what we (community) know until now, I find it hard to blame FP. The problems didn’t appear right after the FPOS update, but after Google’s GMS update, so whatever caused this bug, I don’t see how FP could have foreseen the GMS change that eventually occurred. However, this just my assumption based on the event timeline. In any case, I’m sure they will soon have that fixed soon, as they fixed so many other bugs in a short time.

In general I find the update policy of FP rather convincing and good. But i can understand that they prioritize fixing bugs that affect more people. To make it short, personally I have no reason to not believe in Fairphone fixing important issues to provide a working software base, and continuing to give their best in doing so.
However, I can also understand how frustrating it is if a bug that bothers you and seemingly is not getting fixed. I’m still waiting for the language bug on encrypted devices getting fixed…

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