I was just reading the post from 2016 about allowing the google version of the phone to be rooted or not (Fairphone’s approach to root on the Fairphone 2). What I prefer is a phone which allows adb root access. I think this does not break the android security model, and allows the owner to modify more things.
I don’t know about superuser, but the root that comes with #software:fp-open gives you the option to allow root access only for apps, only for adb, or for both.
I think that’s pretty standard and the superuser root app probably has that option too.
Oh I was not talking about the open OS, I was talking about the google version.
I will change it in my post.
Which post are you talking about? Please link to it.
I’m guessing this one:
I know, but I’m saying that the superuser app surely has the same option. In fact I just read that post and it says to install this root manager and I have used this one in the past and know that it has that option.
So if you want root for just ADB you can easily make it so.
I’m talking about Fairphone’s approach to root on the Fairphone 2
For “adb root” only a flag in the file build.prop is necessary (ro.secure=0).
Oh that. Well it’s not a decision Fairphone can make without loosing G%§$e’s official support, so if you want root - no matter if for ADB or for apps - you’ll have to switch to Open OS or root the device yourself.
I have 2 android tv boxes, both have adb root, one has SU root. Both habe google apps on board.
Nvidia shield has an official developer firmware with adb root.
I don’t know about TV boxes, but G%§$e definitely doesn’t support Android phones that have root.
I’m no expert here, but I don’t think it makes a difference to them whether it’s just for ADB or not. So unless you hear a contradicting statement from Fairphone (for direct questions contact them via support) this case is closed.
I’ll set this topic to auto-close soon unless new info comes to light.
It sound like Chinese devices. Google Mobile Apps on those devices are probably illegaly distributed. Illegaly = Google has no control.
About the Nvidia thing, you just said it: developer firmware.
Google dislikes root. Official software with root and GMS? Not gonna happen, sorry.
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