5g Network not working with Telekom Germany after A.127 update

Today we can celebreate the 1month birthday of the 5G bug for the DTAG network. And this tiny little bug get’s older and older… :frowning: (Sorry for the sarcasm but that’s very frustrating. Besides of this little damn bug i’m very satisfied with the Smartphone.)

Hello @Bastian19961996

I understand your frustration and I am suffering about the same issue here in Mannheim. But please do me a favour and be patient! Your weekly complaints are not helping speeding up the issue resolution. Fairphone is working on it, we have a feedback on a regular basis. We have a named contact. That’s more than other big players would offer!

Enjoy the weekend and best regards


Nope, every week a little hint that there is a problem, don’t hurt somebody. And i mean one month is a long time, that can be celebrated don’t you think :wink: . There are other options. This forum is not so public if i would post it under the Facebook posts, the public damage for potential new customers would be bigger. So i don’t stop it until it is fixed. :wink:

Just annoying for those reading and not at all adding any value to this topic here so not in line with forum rules which still apply to all of us.


What is annoying the time stamp, that one month is over now with no fix at all or what? The only thing to ensure something is fixed, is to hold the pressure high. You have a problem with a status report every week. Do you want to block critic? And that is the only thing i do every week, the status report that the issue still exist. That’s the only thing i can do for the moment.

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And we see other threads were no one replies and there is no fix after months. That’s not acceptable. But ok i will write nothing here, until 31.Jan. Then if it is don’t fixed until this date there will be a last reply.

This is also my last reply here: Is there any chance that the support can answer tickets faster? Still waiting since 4 weeks.

Back to topic :smiley: As I see on this page https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/11351328932497-Update-to-the-latest-Fairphone-OS there should be an update with December patch. So far I didn’t get it. Is this because of blocking updates for Telekom as a provider? If so I am interested in getting new security updates even if the 5G issue is not fixed.

You can change the SIM to another provider. I changed it to a O2 SIM, then i was able to install the current update.

But if the update is blocked for a good reason by your provider, that can lead to problems.

But it‘s not possible to separate one from the other.

I understand that if you are on a working update you will not get new updates. But if you already on the broken one why should I not get an update. Is the block only possible for all updates without checking on what version a phone is?

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Most probably that’s what it is.

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Fairphone 5 Sicherheitsupdate seit 12.12.2023 für ... | Telekom hilft Community i found this they want to fix it in march that is unacceptable. I want and i will get my money back. Fairphone is a nice concept but when this company is unable to handle their software it’s nothing worth real sad. @FrancescoSalvatore before i get in touch with the support to get my money back, i ask you to confirm that you will be not able to fix this bug until march.

Hello Bastian,

why can’t you accept that some fixes take time? I’ve been using the phone in 4G mode since December and of course I’m not happy, but I’m not making such noise. You’re even upsetting people who are on your side.

Calm down, enjoy 4G and be patient - or get rid of your fairphone if you can’t accept the facts.



To get a bug working Fairphone needs co-operation from Telekom Germany. Without the help from Telekom Germany Fairphone can’t do nothing.
So I wonder in how far the delay in solving the bug is on the conto of Telekom Germany.

I’m testing the FP5 for our company. The plan was to buy a couple of hundred phones as our default phone (currently samsung phones). I experienced this bug as well and disagree with the handling of this a lot.
First of all, yes u can switch of 5G, but try to explain that to hundreds of users which would be a lot of work for any IT department. And If you block Access to all Settings via device policy, than all phones need to return to IT. If we already had given out hundreds of FP5 this bug would have been a disaster,
I see three problems:
A: Quality Control - but ok, mistakes happen…
B: multiple month for a fix?
C (and thats the big one): the communication wasn’t great. people have to find out in forums? I have the fairphone app on my FP5 with my mail address registered. Should not be hard to push some info out. This thread here is the best info source about this problem. really?? Shouldn’t there by some official site where those bugs are displayed with their status?

Bonus: since october I reported multiple tickets to support. Sadly, zero help in any of them.

I like the concept but after trying FP4 and FP5 I’m still getting beta vibes.


Hi @Bastian19961996
sorry for the late reply. We are doing our best to anticipate the fix integration, but the truth is that, at the moment, we do not have yet a stable solution.
We do have some solutions, but they cause other disruptions so it does not make sense to distribute them.

We are investigating closely with Qualcomm (since those patches affect the modem configuration) how to solve this issue without causing any other instability, but so far the research has not been completely successful, despite the continuous testing and data collection we have in place in Germany.

We are now checking once again a potential fix, I will post here as soon as we have a confirmation that a viable solution has been found, and, by then, I will also communicate a potential release date.


Ok, then i will wait i was only shocked with the date of march. I really hope that you get a fix sooner than that. Thank you for the answer.

If you have sooo much testing in germany to satisfy, how could this bug even come to life?
Sorry, but your answer is not satisfying. “Sorry, we didnt test what caused the problem, but we will need much more time to test solutions?”
I am not a fan of askimg every week for the state of work, but you are mocking your customers here.
I had to decide between ShiftPhone and Fairphone, and settled for FP because its release was earlier. Right now, i could have stayed with my old phone a few months longer and then buy a shift phone. 4G was available with my old Samsung, too.
If anyone asks me, wether to buy a FP or a Shifty, i will tell him Shifty. Not that they are flawless, but hopefully they are faster in bugfixing and hopefully they are better in customer care and communication. Although: that lasz target will not be difficult to hit.

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