Where did you go on summer holiday?

Did you get to go on a summer holiday this year? Any fun places you’d recommend?

[insert beautiful scenic view photo]

Is it just me or are there more people who can’t see the photo?

I think this was an invitation to insert our own pics :wink:


Oeps, yes that should it mean…

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I went camping near Saumur, France. It’s located next to the Loire. It’s got this beautiful castle up there, of which I made a panorama picture with my Fairphone :smile:


I also made a panorama pic at the beach in Scheveningen. Can’t beat the real thing as far as panorama’s go though :wink:


Next week I will be sitting on this bench at Emmaus in Helvoirt. I will stay there 6 days in silence with 20 other people.
No radio, no tv, no telephone, no handy, no newspaper, just silence except for half an hour guidance every day.

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This is the view we had from ‘Iglesia de Santa Domingo’ (Church) in Benalmádena Pueblo, Spain. A family wedding in Summer - scorching!

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This is the pretty epic view we had from the mounatin/rock Ifach, located in Calp, Spain. In the background you can see the city with nice beaches at both sides and a salt lake in the middle. Oh and the weird person that ruined this nice panorama is me! :wink: