What contactless payment apps can I use on FP5?

I have tried using Google Wallet to no success, Reddit has informed me it basically does not work. What alternatives are people reliably using for FF5 NFC payments? Do any work? If not, why is this feature even added to the menu of the settings?

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Why would reddit state its not working, any special settings? Because in general with stock FPOS it works

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There was a thread on Reddit stating that Google wallet does not work on eOS or (if I understood correctly) any other custom ROMs, but that has nothing to do with a Fairphone .


I can confirm that since I’ve purchased the FP5, I use Google Wallet without any Problem.
I use the stock FP OS .


sure no Google=no Google Wallet


My Fairphone has e/OS, how do you get the stock FPOS?

there you go, just follow the steps.


It is a disgrace, btw.

Dutch banks one after another have stopped supporting their own NFC implementation and swapping to Google Pay (and Apple Pay). I don’t know how it is in other countries but I suspect similar. This leads furthermore to vendor lock-in and duopoly, on top of data mining by these two good Samaritans.

Moreover, on the other side (Apple) you can only use NFC for Apple approved functions. Ie. Apple Pay.

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