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A post was merged into an existing topic: Threads vs Topics

Hi, FairPhoners _o/

I’m Epy, freshly subscribed here, not already a FP owner but it is seriously considered for a few reasons I’ll explain
I’m a FOSS enthousiast (not sure of this term, english is not my native language) I would say FOSSH thought to include hardware too ^_^.

I’m also careful where I put my data and prefer to own it fully, even if it has some drawbacks or comfort disavantages.

I know FairPhone goal is not about open source software nor hardware but the fair trade hardware is also important to me :slight_smile: And there is a Opensource version of the OS, yay !

I’m really not happy with my current phone I had for free from family (Nokia 650) but I was forced to change because my N9 loses text messages when it contains one of these dumb new emojis… (text smileys were standards ! :cry: )

Not losing friends and family was “a little” more important than an old phone … I’m still using it for some apps, fully offline :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m mistrusftful from Android and iOS (not to mention WinPhone OS …) but the choice is thin those days … :frowning:
I hoped to use SailfishOS (almost FOSS and out of big data companies) on a recent phone but it doesn’t seems ready to use daily on FP2 from what I read, maybe I’m wrong ? And there is not many other hardware options
Won’t talk about other SFOS options here but I’m studying them too

I was considering buying an FP2 and flashing LineageOS with microG, I’m confident I won’t need much Play store Apps, so that’s not a real problem. I will find what I need on Fdroid

And then, here I am :slight_smile: Already with a daily-usage question I’ll ask in another topic I think (so much to read here !)

Thanks for this community :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum @Epy. :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

And sorry for the topic mistake

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Is SailfishOS ready for daily use?

Hallo Fairphoner,

ich freue mich, dass ich von meinem Geschäftskollegen auf das Fairphone aufmerksam gemacht worden bin. Gestern habe ich eines zugeschickt bekommen.

Natürlich will ich es fair betreiben, d. h. frei von den Datensaugern und mit dem Fairphone Open OS.

Viele Grüße an euch alle,


Willkommen, @udoka! :slight_smile:

Hello, I’m just adding my interest to the list of people desperately awaiting a Fairphone 3 in the US. I’ve been clinging to an powerful, but 8 year old LG, waiting to see if there would be a modification to Fairphone 2 for better US network compatibility, and am now holding out the 3 seems imminent, but I was hoping this Summer, as I’m fearing I will soon need to get some other phone just because my old one is having a harder and harder time doing its jobs… Is there any realistic estimate of when it will be available?


Welcome to the forum, @lio.

In this topic you’ll find all the forum community knows and has heard rumours about:

Yes, that’s how I found this forum! I was hoping that by joining I might find something official here too and not just rumors. Is Fairphone not able to make any official statement in response to these rumors?

Thank you!

(official statement about release date and planned features that is.)

“So, we’re excited to announce that nearly three years after the introduction of the Fairphone 2, we’re not releasing a new model just yet. Instead, we’re aiming to extend the life cycle of the phone as much as we can.”

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Yes, I thought that came before the French article, but I guess it overrides it… To bad for potential US customers. It doesn’t seem from anything I’ve read that investing in the (expensive) FP2 is a good plan for here…

Thanks for your help!

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Hy I‘m Lotta from Germany.

I get my FP2 a we days ago.
Bevor I was an IPhone User.
My English isn‘t very well, so I‘m happy, if we can write in german.



Hi @Lotta_Hund

Willkommen im Forum. :slight_smile:
Ich hab deinen Post hierher verschoben, da hier alle Vorstellungen stattfinden.
Du kannst alle Fragen die du hast gerne auf deutsch posten. Deutschsprachige Themen findest du unter folgendem tag: :de:.


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Hallo Paula,

Vielen lieben Dank. Mein Englisch ist wirklich grottig. :pensive:
Ich bin also Lotta, 45 Jahre und ich lebe im Ruhrgebiet. Mein altes IPhone 6 hätte jetzt einen neuen Akku gebraucht und endlich habe ich mich entscheiden können, ein FP2 zu kaufen.
Im Moment ist einiges noch etwas holperig, aber ich denke ich bleibe beim FP2 .
Ich habe ein paar Fragen zur Vernetzung im Auto und zur Installation des Mail Programms. Wo stelle ich die am besten?

Liebe Grüße


I am french and I have a fairphone2 from few months. I preferred free software and I work for an association “les ordis Libres”: www.lesordislibres.fr

Je suis française et j’ai acheté mon fairphone2 il y a quelques mois. c’est mon tout premier téléphone mobile! Je soutiens les logiciels libres depuis pas mal de temps et j’ai fondé une association “Les Ordis libres” dont l’objet essentiel est la réalisation d’une exposition à destination du grand public. Tout est ici www.lesordislibres.fr


Das klingt entweder nach #fairphone2help oder wenn es eher allgemeine Fragen sind nach software.

Bienvenue au forum, @Tinouck :grin:

hi Marco how are you?
how can you read I have a problem can you help me?
I am italian and i live in Rome. I have 63years and I have The fairphone 2 only from 4 month.


Welcome to the forum, @merolar. :slight_smile: To get help, please search the forum using the :mag: above or post in the #fairphone2help category.

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