Useful Accessory: Qi charger

Thanks swinter for your helpful post! Since my old Lumia 950 had a wireless charging function and I’m already equipped with charging pads, upgrading my new FP3 (with which I’m very satisfied so far) with wireless charging was of great interest to me.

I ordered the charging pad you used and it works well with my Fairphone 3 so far. There are two variations, one with a shorter and one with a longer USB cable. I ordered the shorter one - I think it doesn’t make a big difference here. Like you said, it starts with “charging slowly” for a while and then seems to resume normal charging speed. I wasn’t able to attach the back cover at the left side where the USB port is properly, but wirh the bumper on it’s no big deal.

I assume other models of charging pad upgrades would work, as well, as long as it’s a model with USB-C (and not micro USB). I’ve attached a couple of photos below in case anyone else wants to give it a try.

My new Fairphone 3 in its original state and the charging pad (I removed the “Discover Innovation” banderole, as well):

The charging pad with the USB-C plug:

The charging pad attached to the backside of the opened FP3:

The back cover doesn’t fit properly near the USB-C port anymore…

…but with the bumper on, it’s hardly visible

Aaaaand it’s working :grinning: