Unable to create an exchange account after update

Hi @Moldu ,
Thanks for sharing the name of your server application.
I just hate to sound like a broken record. But in order to prevent you going back to paper calenders, I’d like you to take a look at other options.
The one I have in mind is nextcloud which should offer you with most wishable features.
It is possible to have it as a free account right away, not only for testing but with a reasonable high amount of space available. With these >1GB (depending on provider), you could extend your cloud usage by an automatic picture upload. Considering Calenders, the space available should be enaugh for quite some time. You find providers e.g. here - it lacks opendesktop.org which is ad based, but hey, it’s not google.
And of course, comes time and experience you could go for a personal installation.

Then there is caldavsynchronizer.org - can’t speak from experience, but probably some option to regain synchronized access for some time to the MS Exchange calender.

Good luck!

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