So first: with the images from Fairphone_FP3_8901.2.A.0105.20191217_12171325_user_release-keys_dump by k4y0z it finally worked to flash the stock image by image. Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately also the second try of flashing lineage-16.0-20191017-UNOFFICIAL-treble_arm64_bvN.img (I tried it with the LOS 16 now) wan’t sucessfull: LOS and TWRP won’t boot again. But now I know at least how to go back to stock I will post my problem in the GSI thread again, as it is not about TWRP.
hello, i am a quite a noob about coding. i had my FP2 with Open OS and want to also have TWRP on my FP3 now. i tried to read the whole thread here but i often get confused. is there a step by step tutorial for twrp for fp3? like the one for magisk what was posted here?
can i install it also with just my phone or do i need to use a PC for that?
also when i fucked up or when smth happen, is it possible to get back to the stock firmware of fp3 somehow and reset everything? i know there isnt a backup system for the fp3 right now without twrp.
and thank you for making the fp3 safer. i really hope soon when the open OS is coming for fp3 that it will be as easy to install it as in fp2, which luckily had twrp when i bought it.
also, do i need to root my fp3 to install twrp?
TL;DR: i would like a step by step tuto the install twrp on fp3 from scratch for dummies. Thank you very much
Step 0.
Don’t really install TWRP if you want to keep your Fairphone OS updating automatically. Installing TWRP means changing the boot partition, which will break OTA updates of Fairphone OS because the updating process checks whether the partitions are unchanged.
This is now different from how TWRP and OTA updates worked on the Fairphone 2.
Step 1.
Unlock the bootloader. This will also do a factory reset.
Heed the warning …
Step 2.
Instead of installing TWRP, just boot it with fastboot from a computer (fastboot is part of the Android SDK Platform Tools) …
It does unlock, it remains to be tested, if it really doesn’t require a factory reset.
But maybe you’re right, this isn’t “for dummies”, I’ll edit my post.
thanks both of you.
too bad twrp wont be like on fp2 with the updates, but i would take that. twrp was very helpful for my fp2 with the total system backup, which i dont have right now with the vanilla fp3 and if the Open OS will come for fp3 maybe it is the easiest way to install that, i guess. so i try to prepare it for that day. i have no problem with updating manually, i mostly do that anyway.
but your suggestion was not to intall it and instead unlocking bootloader and then use fastboot via a pc and boot twrp? did i get that right? so basically i use twrp on my pc for the smartphone and i can back up everything like that?
Not quite.
You connect your phone to your PC via USB, boot the phone into Fastboot Mode, and then you execute fastboot boot twrp.img (or whatever the filename is) in a command line on the PC.
This will then boot TWRP on the phone without you having to install it. Nothing will change on the phone, as long as you keep System read-only in TWRP (important!) …
You can then use TWRP on the phone to backup the partitions …
Here’s a little something in case you’re interested …
I’m not sure I would tell this here, if I wouldn’t, please tell me, I’ll delete my message. I’ve encountered a problem rooting my phone using twpr and magisck. May anyone help me ? I’ve created a new post in order to avoid “flooding” this one, here Problem with rooting FP3
And really sorry if my ask seems to you inappropriate.