Trapped in fastboot mode with locked bootloader and corrupted custom ROM

I did a quick diff and here’s the most obvious change i could find:

echo "INFO: Deleting factory reset partition"
    ${FASTBOOT_BIN} erase frp

was changed to

echo "INFO: Deleting factory reset partition"
    flash_image_or_abort "${sn}" frp "${IMAGES_DIR}/frp_for_factory.img"
    flash_image_or_abort "${sn}" devinfo "${IMAGES_DIR}/devinfo_for_factory.img"

Those two images mentioned above have also been added to the included images.

Last but not least, the slot is now automatically changed to a:

echo "INFO: Activating partition slot A"
  fastboot --set-active=a

The rest seems to be mostly linting as far as I can tell :thinking: