đŸ‘Œ The Fairphone Angels Program (Local support by community members) - Offers and questions

Thanks a lot for volunteering! :+1:
I’ve just started the onboarding process. In case of any questions please feel free to contact me or any Angel.


Danke Volker und Danke Urs fĂŒr die Blumen :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi everyone! Is there a group I can join in Oslo, Norway? If not, I’d love to help set up a group here. I’m active at the university and can set up workshops and work groups. In the long term, I want to help set up a more general repair cafĂ©.
#oslo #norway


Hi @thimble ,
Thank you very much for offering to join and help in Oslo! We’re looking forward to the creation of a group over there!
I’ve already started the onboarding process. In case of any questions please feel free to contact me or any Angel.


Will do. Soaking up the info on the webpages and forums for now. Thanks!


Hi All!

I use a Fairphone 3 since last september, I “bougth” another one to my wife (read about the stroy).
So, I would like to join to Fairphone Angel’s group and help to anybody in Debrecen, Hungary :slight_smile:

Peace & love


Ich schreibe es mal in deutsch. Das ist fĂŒr mich einfacher.

Seit ĂŒber einem Jahr nutze ich ein Fairphone 2, welches ich aus Erstazteilen gewonnen habe.
Ich habe bereits einige Erfahrung in der Reparatur (z.B. das Backen des Mainboards etc.)

Ich habe eine Menge an Fairphone 2 Ersatzteilen (neben Modulen auch Rahmen, Knöpfe, Antennenkabel etc.) und wĂŒrde diese gern bedĂŒrftigen Nutzern zur VerfĂŒgung stellen.

Ich nutze das Custom Rom eOS als Betriebssystem.

UnterstĂŒtzen könnte ich die Hamburger Angels auch mit einem Zombie-Phone und Nutzer bei Reparaturen ihres Fairphone 2.


Hallo Nudge!
Schön, dass Du mithelfen willst! :smiley:
Verstehe ich, Du wĂŒrdest gerne ein Angel in Hamburg? Dann kann ich Dich in der Hamburger Gruppe hinzufĂŒgen!


Hallo Alex,

ja fĂŒr das Fairphone 2 und Custom Rom eOS mache ich das sehr gern.
Wer nimmt den Bestand an Ersatzteilen auf bzw. lagert den ein?

Ist bald ein Treffen geplant?



Meld’ dich am besten auch mal hier zu Wort, das stĂ€ndige Forumsthema fĂŒr die Hamburger*innen:


Le programme Fairphone angels me semble ĂȘtre une trĂšs bonne initiative, en particulier Ă©tant donnĂ© le modĂšle technique et Ă©conomique de Faiphone, avec la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©monter et remplacer des Ă©lĂ©ments.
Mais je vois qu’il n’y a que 7 Fairphone angels en France, et aucun hors d’Europe. Je me propose donc de devenir Fairphone angel Ă  La RĂ©union, Ăźle française de l’OcĂ©an Indien. Je n’ai pas encore une longue expĂ©rience du Fairphone que j’utilise depuis 3 mois, mais je suis rĂ©parateur amateur, en Ă©lectronique notamment

En attendant une réponse de je ne sais qui ?..
Avec mes encouragements.
Bien cordialement.

Translation in english :
The Fairphone angels program seems to me to be a very good initiative, in particular given the technical and economic model of Faiphone, with the possibility of dismantling and replacing parts.
But I see that there are only 7 Fairphone angels in France, and none outside of Europe. I therefore propose to become a Fairphone angel in Reunion, a French island in the midle of Indian Ocean. I do not yet have a long experience of the Fairphone that I have been using for 3 months, but I am an amateur repairer, especially in electronics 

While waiting for an answer from I do not know who? 

With my encouragement.
Best regards.


Merci pour ton offre et l’idĂ©e d’un groupe angels de Fairphone Ă  la RĂ©union !
Je t’enverrai un message personnel avec de plus amples dĂ©tails sur ta participation au groupe des angels. Si tu as des questions, n’hĂ©site pas Ă  me contacter ou Ă  contacter le groupe @Archangels .

Thank you for your offer and the idea of a Fairphone angels group in La RĂ©union!
I will send you a personal message with more details about your participation in the angels group. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me or the group @Archangels .



Bonjour Volker,

Merci de votre réponse rapide, et bien venu par procuration à La Réunion !

PremiĂšre question simple :
Je vois que vous m’écrivez en français (merci ; ) et aussi en anglais. Quelle est la langue de rĂ©daction de votre message initial ? (le message en français est si bien rĂ©digĂ© que je ne devine pas

En effet, pour nos messages privés :

  • Si votre langue de rĂ©daction est le français, l’anglais n’est pas nĂ©cessaire, et nous pourrions correspondre uniquement en français ;
  • Si c’est l’anglais, alors je pourrais lire l’anglais (vous n’avez pas besoin de traduire en anglais), et vous rĂ©pondre en français, ou en anglais selon votre niveau et/ou votre souhait, ce qui serait plus rapide et facile pour nous deux ?
    Qu’en dites-vous ?

Bien cordialement.

Olivier STRAUB


Hie Volker,

Thank you for your quick response, and welcome by proxy to Reunion Island!

First simple question:

My Monther tongue is French.

I see you are writing to me in French (thank you ; ) and also in English. What is the language of your initial message? (the message in French is so well written that I can’t guess 

Indeed, for our private messages:

  • If your writing language is French, English is not necessary, and we could correspond only in French;

  • If it’s English, then I could read English (you don’t need to translate into French), and answer you in French, or in English depending on your level and / or your wish, which would be more quick and easy for both of us?

What do you think ?

Best regards.

Olivier STRAUB

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Translating posts into English is preferred in this thread because it is about the angels of all the world, in private you can of course speak French. And I would advise to remove your telephone number as this thread is public.

Il est prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© de traduire les messages en français dans ce fil-ci parce qu’il est sur les anges de tout le monde, en privĂ© on peut bien sĂ»r parler français. Et je recommandrais de supprimer votre numĂ©ro de telephone parce que ce fil est publique.


Anything new on La RĂ©union? I cannot wait to see that Angel icon in the Indian Ocean! :smiley:

Pending clarification, see Alex.A below

Hey, hey, hey 
 ! :+1:

Bienvenue, Olivier II :slight_smile:
Now Olivier I (of Taranto) is no longer our most Southern Fairphone Angel :wink:

Note: The blue circle is on La RĂ©union (I cannot get OSM to actually show the island’s name)


I guess I need to fix the email adress because it’s generated from the location name and surely doesn’t contain a space and probably also no accent.

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Wait wait wait, I just checked, we haven’t received any answer from @OlivierS to our latest messages, and no request to the forum support has been done. This means the heaven is inactive right now, and the procedure is still running. I’m not quite sure who set it as active


That was me. I’ve just set it back to “active: no” for now. Last time a new angel was added the map was broken afterwards because of a wrong formatting of the file. So I wanted to create the right structure beforehand but forgot to correctly set the active flag.


Hello :stuck_out_tongue:
I would like to apply for being the Fairphone Angel of Cannes (06), France
Is this possible?

Thank you in advance :wink: