Testing iframe of Fairphone Community Map


Looks great! :smiley:

PS: But why didn’t you post it in the Address Book yet?
If you only post it in a hidden topic then the five minutes I wasn’t able to use the Forum today were in vain! :open_mouth: :wink:

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I’ll need to do some more testing. If you scroll over it at the moment, you’ll accidentally zoom the map.

Edit: Fixed this. Scrolling only zooms after clicking anywhere on the map.

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That’s much better, but wouldn’t it be even better if you didn’t need clicking first?

  • Mouse is not hovering over the map → scrolling scrolls the page, even if the mouse moves over the map while doing so.
  • Mouse hovers over the map → scrolling scrolls the map.

Another thing I found: You can move the map to east and west and discover an infinite number of parallel worlds, but none of them have Fairphone communities. Is that bad news? (Fairphone does not exist in parallel universes) Or good news? (All phones there are fair, so Fairphone is not needed)

PS: The fullscreen button doesn’t work either, but I guess you know all that.

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Just created this issue:

Thank you for bringing it up!

I know that and I have discussed it yesterday with @Roboe. Not yet sure how the solution looks, but we are working on it:

Click-before-zoom is like Gxxgle Maps handles it: Do you know an open source alternative to embedded maps? - #12 by Stefan with the difference that my implementation is even better: Zooming ability stops when you move the cursor out of the map. I’m not sure if we could catch “scrolling started outside of the map”.

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This is an interesting idea:

(Pan the map with two fingers.)

I merged some commits today and am ready for introducing the map to the forum crowd. The most notable difference is that

has been “fixed” in the way that there is a link to the full map now at the bottom of the embedded map. (Fullscreen mode is not allowed by Discourse.)

@moderators does it work for you?

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