Hello guys, me again.
I’m a frequent user of the chat app telegram but I noticed 2 different things.
The first one is that if people send me voice or video messages and are being played back via the speaker, it sounds only like its 50% of the volume of e.g. whatsapp. With the same settings for volumes mind you. So that is a bummer. Also not sure how to proceed here. It worked fine on my old s3 but here it seems to have issues. Do I make a ticket with fairphone? Do I contact the programmers of telegram? I really do love that app but this way its not usable to me.
There are also other posts where people complain about volumes not being right, maybe that connects to this topic?
The second thing is: when actually making a video message, I of course use the front (selfie) cam. But then the video being made looks like someone applied a fish eye objective. Thats the first time I see it whatsoever and nobody else has that problem. Again, whatsapp (video call) fine. Making normal picture with that cam fine. Just telegram seems to not give a **** when it comes to that particular camera.
Any one else encountered that?
Is there maybe an app which lets us just overrule the overall settings for volumes to properly crank it up? Loved it back in the day where you could just open the new walkman you got and crack that thing hardware style wide open. This one here, not so easy I guess…