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- Name of Initiative
Description: Text
Sector Tags:
Country Tags:- Transmitter: @forum-username - Full Name - City, Linkedin - How the transmitter is affiliated to the initiative (founder, worker, member,…)
- ECrowd!
Description: ECrowd! is a crowdfunding platform specialised in projects with a positive impact on society and the environment. People can invest in the projects and receive interests in return.
Sector tags: crowdfunding #crowdlending #energyefficienciy #ecology environment renewableenergy #investment #social
Country tags: #spain #europe- Transmitter: @laurent_guerguy - Laurent Guerguy - Barcelona - https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurentguerguy/ - Worker
- GoiEner
Description: Goiener is a non-profit cooperative that generates and sells 100% renewable energy. It is a cooperative mainly local (Basque Country) but open to the world. In addition we give talks on how to change the current energy model, and we teach to save the invoice of light.
Sector Tags: #sovereignenergy, renewableenergy, #cooperative
Country Tags: #spain, #Euskadi, #Basque Country- Transmitter: @AitorZuhaitz . Aitor is member of the cooperative GOIENER
- Fiare
Description: Fiare Banca Etica is a banking cooperative that was created by NGOs and volunteers. Nowadays it operates in Italy and Spain. It differs from traditional banking because it works to foster an ethical and real economy. You can be a customer and/or a partner. You will have a credit card and checking account to transform the economy.
Sector Tags:#sovereignfinance, #socialbank, #ethicbank,
Country Tags: #spain, italy- Transmitter: @AitorZuhaitz . Aitor is member of the cooperative FIARE
- H-Enea Living Lab
Description: H-Enea is a Living Lab that belongs to ACEDE, the Basque Cluster Association of the Home Appliance Industry, and conceives people as the engine of the innovation needed by companies and organizations in order to be able to reach a complex and changing market. We help businesses and organizations through its services so that they can get faster to the market with products and services that truly meet the needs of their current demanding and well-informed customers.
Sector Tags: #Cooking health #EnergyEfficiency #LivingLab #SocialInnovation
Country Tags: #spain, #Euskadi, #Basque Country- Transmitter: @eiturbe. Eñaut is member of H-ENEA LIVING LAB
- ver.de
Description: Money makes the world go around. And insurance companies collect money from many people. Lets combine money with sustainability and impact, lets create an insurance company that is aware of the social and ecological effects each time it moves money. Lets change the way money makes the world go around - towards sustainable development! ver.de is a cooperative.
Sector Tags: #money, #insurance, #sustainable development, #impact, #cooperative
Country Tags: germany- Transmitter: @marie1 - Marie Meinhold - Munich, Germany, founder. ver.de is member of ecogood.org Bavaria
- Sinplástico
Description: We are Marion & Javier, and we have come together with a shared ecological & social vision for our planet from our very different backgrounds - both professional & personal. Our vision has committed us wholeheartedly to create a social & business platform to make a real difference.
We saw an opportunity. Because social awareness is growing, and ecologically-friendly food & clothes are already being produced, we could help if we created a place where we can bring together people’s desires to live a better life, and a healthier and more responsible lifestyle with the products they would like to use.
We see Sinplástico as our contribution : reducing everyone’s personal impact on the planet is possible if we all reduce our use of plastics, to appreciate & enjoy living on this beautiful planet that we share.
Sector Tags: #reduceplastic, #sustainability, #cooperative
Country Tags: #spain, #Euskadi, #Basque Country- Transmitter: @MarionSinplastico. Marion is cofounder of SIN PLASTICO