Support is not answering, should I send in my phone anyways?

The bottom left-hand corner of my screen has started jumping around and flickering which makes typing and app selection impossible. I emailed Support and followed their instructions, which confirmed that there is definitely a problem with my screen. I have only had the Fairphone (second model) since early December 2014 so I am still under warranty. I haven’t had a reply to my second email to Support asking for help with what to do next. Does anyone know what I should do? Shall I just send my Fairphone to their address for fixing? I don’t want it to get lost - neither do I think I should be paying for the repair on such a new phone that I have looked after well so far. Thank you. Tessa

I filed this into help category because you are not intending to repair your phone yourself.

You should definitely wait for a response because you have to fill in a form before you can send the phone.

OK. Thanks Stefan. Sorry for mis-filing my question!

Hi @tessastanleyprice,

I see my support colleague has been in touch over private email. They will continue the conversation there. You can expect a followup response tomorrow (Tuesday).

All the best,


Thank you Joe! I’ll look forward to hearing from your colleague. Tessa