Subscription model to continue FP1 development

Not completely true: Fairphone does have access to the FP1 source code, but they are not allowed to publish it. In response to the other post: This also makes LineageOS near to impossible. (Someone has tried Lollipop and provides an in-depth explanation why it doesn’t work here.)

I’m sure you mean 4.2 because:

…is not possible because the latest alpha pre3 itself is Android Kitkat 4.4.2.

Unfortunately this “test build” hasn’t been released. So at the moment there is no 4.4.4 for the FP1.

Fairphone is thinking about these things, as a blog post from January 2015 reveals:

A follow-up blog post from August 2015 gives more details to circular-economy business models. I think the latest blog post on the topic is this one from October 2016, but unfortunately it doesn’t feature information about Fairphone’s current approach. My guess is that at the moment they leave the field to the mobile operators.

I hope that my screen won’t fail me too soon! :astonished: (It hasn’t needed to be replaced.) And, judging from the Market and even when FP1-users have their phones longer than average, I’m sure that there aren’t 60,000 working FP1s left.

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