March 14, 2018, 10:50pm
If you should not find an original battery, you might give this solution a try:
This post contains instructions that can cause severe harm to you.
Opening and modifying batteries is very dangerous.
The battery is the most dangerous part of any phone. It has in numerous cases been linked to explosions, wounds and property damage. Just search on the internet and you’ll find them.
Fairphone employees have seen with their own eyes the issues involved in the process of manufacturing batteries. The health and safety of the workers involved is very often i…
Works just fine for my wife and me since a few months already.
A list of batteries is in post #201 (of course prices and availability are not up to date), while a way to fix the battery is shown in post #196:
The “electropapa” link unfortunately states, that the 1,800 mAh version is out of stock.
On Amazon it is still available at 21.89 Euro (4 in stock)
The AkkuKing on the other hand is still available at 12.90 Euro
on Amazon (18 in stock)
from direct (they at least do ship to EU).
On there are other NoName “brands” as well:
There is a China-accu at 15.20 Euro
And another one by X-Longer at 14.03 Euro:
Seems the demand for this generic battery by FP…