Should I purchase a Fairphone?

Hi and welcome to the forum
If you want a half decent phone that puts Fairtrade for the mineral miners and factory workers then there is little choice.

  • If it’s about what’s best for your finances then probably not.
  • If you want a high spec phone then no.
  • If you want supper camera apps ~ no again.

And as Incanus has stated you may have reservations about some of your apps.

Maybe you can find a shop that sells them to have a look, or maybe someone local to show you the phone. Look at the fairphoneangel list to see if there is someone near you.

Maybe you could list the specs etc, that are a minimum requirement and then check the specs and make more individual queries here?

I have an FP3 which suits me fine, the FP4 has better specs and is a little larger.

Scroll down to specs:

Where to buy