Should Fairphone have invested more time in quality control (see the amount of FP2-bugs)

Yes, I’m well aware of this. Not least since my FP1 has been working perfectly for two years, without any of the issues that many other users have reported here (only exception is the GPS fix delay caused by the chosen Mediatek chipset).
But I still believe that some of the problems that quite a few users encounter could have been avoided/fixed. If, as FP does, you deliver a phone without a designated charger, hinting that any old charger can be used, the customer shouldn’t have to try a vaste range of chargers till s/he finds one that works. Charger problems are not uncommon (the Galaxy SIII is a well-known example), and therefore one expects them to be avoidable.
And I cannot really accept excuses along the line that FP is crowdfunded or a social enterprise (as seen in other threads). Crowdfunding does not exclude quality control, and being a social enterprise does not presuppose amateurishness or lack of experience. The FP project has been running for at least three years, the first FP1 phones were delivered two years ago. That means experience that can be taken advantage of. And while FP can be seen as a social enterprise it operates at the same time on the market and has chosen to do so in order to make an impact, not just in order to show what is theoretically possible.

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